Houses For 2017 Ruapotaka School
On Wednesday we has fun because we were going to do our houses. The was existed because I had want to know what team I was in. So I waited tell it was time to go and line up and off we went to the assembly. The assembly was in the front of room one class. I had wait to long so then it was time to tell us all about what was going to happen and the first thing was. Mrs Vickers told us was the rules that we all had to follow because it will get us points if we do follow the so we did. Now was the time to tell us what group we were in and the group that I have been waiting for came to me I was in the red team we were the best team well that's what I think. When we went to the activate we had limbo first then we had go to the next activate was when we had throw the been bag into a box and if we where go at we would then get 5 points. And we got 5 points in a row is was petty good but I think that we would have done better but it was for that one person. So we got 35 for our points it was very good because we where a tie with the blue team. Oh yeah the four teams where Blue,Red,Yellow, and Green. It was the end of the day and then everyone went home.
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